Posts tagged covid19
Wedding Invitation Etiquette and Vaccination Messaging during Covid

You’re planning a wedding and you want all of your guests to be vaccinated. How do you tell them? What is the best messaging and wording? In this blog we share our tips on how to require your guests to be vaccinated with wording you can use via your wedding invitations, emails and website.

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How To Postpone An Event Due To An Emergency Like Covid-19

The word of the month is #CANCELLED. We don’t have to remind you that events and social gatherings are being cancelled due to the coronavirus, or COVID-19. As we face this global pandemic, we are all presented with difficult decisions about how to best protect ourselves and our community. Here are some things to remember during these confusing times:

  • You are not alone

  • Everything is temporary

  • Your special moments in life are still worthy of celebration

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