Fierce Defined


Hey there Fierce people of the World!

My name is Laura, I’m the owner of Fierce Productions, a wedding and event planning production company based in Chicago that plans events all around the world. I get asked all the time about the meaning of Fierce and why we named our company Fierce Productions. Sometimes people mistake the word Fierce for a negative connotation like “mean or scary”. That is a very old definition of this word.

What does Fierce mean?

The old definition of fierce usually pertains to something that is violent or aggressive, like a tiger. The modern definition of fierce is about being bold, and unapologetic in the way you choose to express yourself. It is more like a mother deer standing down a tiger, than the tiger itself. Being fierce usually means doing something that is against the norm. You might expect to face criticism for your choices from those who usually conform, but you choose to do it anyway because it brings you joy. The most obvious examples of this are pop stars like Beyoncé, whose bold, unique style often flies in the face of convention. However, anyone can be fierce, just follow your passion and don’t let anyone tell you to conform.

I love this modern definition! It’s super powerful, positive and inspiring and how I strive to live my life. So, why name my company Fierce Productions? When I started this business several years ago I was using the word Fierce frequently to describe clothes, shoes, experiences and moments that brought me joy and were of exceptional quality. Quickly my friends started to call me LK Fierce. When it came time to start a business I immediately thought of Fierce Productions. Fierce was a lifestyle for me and then it quickly became my business and the events we produce. To really understand what Fierce means check out our breakdown of the meaning of Fierce and what it means to have a Fierce event whether it’s a wedding, virtual event or birthday party!

Here’s what Fierce means to me:

  • A thriving life and business

  • Strong and bad ass in every form

  • Something that is of exceptional quality, bold, surprising and unforgettable.

  • A word used to describe something that is out of the box, non-traditional, and dynamic.

  • Passionate, joyful, and positive!

  • Fierce means to demand excellence.

  • Fierce is about inclusivity, honesty, authenticity.

  • Fierce means being your quirky, silly, nerdy, extra self and fully embracing who you truly are.

  • Loving yourself for every quirk and imperfection.

  • Stylish and expressive.

  • The boldest and best dressed person in the room.

  • An artist, theater maker, designer, creator, innovator.

  • Fierce is ambition and tenacity.

  • Fierce means you write your own traditions and your own rules.

  • Fierce means you never apologize for who you are.


What is a Fierce Event?

We are all about producing FIERCE weddings and events in Chicago and all over the world whether it’s IRL (In Real Life) or Virtual. A Fierce event is many of the definitions we have above and so much more!

A Fierce event is unforgettable, out of the box, and non-traditional. It’s the kind of event you go to and never forget. All other events you go to can’t compare to the level of creativity and ingenuity that a fierce event has. A Fierce event is a gathering of people who are kind, bold with the highest integrity. It’s an event made up of all kinds of people from all different socio-economic statuses, gender expressions, and ethnicities. It’s unapologetic and irreverent. It challenges you! What you think it supposed to happen at a wedding, what you’re used to - doesn’t happen. A fierce event writes its own traditions and rules. It’s a wedding ceremony that is entirely created by the couple. It’s a cocktail hour emceed by a fabulous drag queen. It’s memorable and theatrical. During the course of a Fierce event you might laugh, cry and learn something about yourself.


What does Fierce mean to You?

Write to us in the comments below and let us know what Fierce means to you! Whenever anyone fills out our contact form we ask that they define the word fierce. We are always looking to match with people, couples and businesses who are looking for a FIERCE event, not a great event, a FIERCE one.

Laura Reitsma