Rainbow Unicorn Birthday Party!

Who said turning 30 has to be serious?

For Jill's 30th Bday Party, we designed and planned a rainbow unicorn themed Karaoke Party! Guests enjoyed rainbow inspired dishes, karaoke, and a photo booth with ridiculous props and unicorns!  Our favorite parties to plan are themed parties.  It really lets us do what we do best - use creativity and bold design to create the most fun, memorable events ever! 

Photos by Adam Biba of Tuan B Co.


Incorporating a theme into your party (or even wedding) is a really fun way to get inspired and be creative.  Here are some prompts to help you get your theme cooking: 

  • What is your favorite city in the world? Why? Explore the sights and the food! 

  • Do you have a favorite movie? Maybe it's time to throw that Beetlejuice inspired party!

  • What is something from your childhood that makes you feel warm and happy inside?

  • What is something you look forward to every day? week? month?

  • A favorite TV show? I've always wanted to throw a Breaking Bad party!

When it comes to building a theme for your party - the sky is the limit! You can go as literal or abstract as you would like. Maybe there is a pattern that you love that you find everywhere, on your notebooks, your bedspread, maybe you just love dressing up! Themed parties are memorable parties!


There are several ways you can incorporate a theme into your event. Here are some ideas!

Signature cocktails like these cotton candy champagne treats!!!



This rainbow inspired fruit plate! Colorful and delicious!


Dressing up!! We encouraged guests to wear their most colorful outfits!


No matter what age you are, when you are planning your party - think out of the box!