Our Ally Pledge
We are committed to producing innovative, never before seen events that are inclusive and celebrate our communities. We understand each individual is unique, and we celebrate and honor their differences.
To support this mission, we have created an Ally Pledge. We strive to collaborate and support small businesses that are owned and operated by women, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ individuals.
We only collaborate with creative partners who align with our values and who agree to being an active ally.
As an Ally I pledge to:
Actively practice inclusivity in my business and actively educate myself, and my staff about inclusivity.
Honor and normalize the use of people’s pronouns (She/Her, He/Him, They/Them/, Ze/Hir, Ey/Em, Other). I will do this by asking, not assuming.
Stand up to hate, discrimination, prejudice, dislike and/or hostility, and speak out against: Ableism, Ageism, Antisemitism, Classism, Homophobia, Misogyny, Queerphobia, Racism, Sexism, Sizeism, Transphobia, and Xenophobia.
Stand for love by supporting those who have been mistreated by society and use my words to support BIPOC, LGBTQIAP people, people of all gender expressions, people of all gender identities, people of all ages, people of all sizes, people with disabilities, and people of all ethnicities.
Show my support by using language that is loving and welcoming to all people. Words have power.
Speak up for equality and inclusivity to my co-workers, friends, family and strangers. If I hear a racist, homophobic, transphobic, size shaming, age discriminating or disability-based joke or remark, I will respond and stand up for those being targeted.
Use inclusive language in my documents, forms, contracts, invoices and everyday language. I will use gender-neutral language in all speech and written word in job titles. I will replace the words bride, bridal suite, bridesmaids, groom, groomsmen with gender neutral alternatives like couple, wedding suite/green room/getting ready room, and wedding party. I will edit all of my documents to say client’s names instead of bride and groom.
Use my resources and voice to support BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) + LGBTQIAP people (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirit, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual), people with disabilities, people of all sizes, ages, ethnicities, gender identities and expressions. I will move love and equality forward, and prevent the spread of hate.
Volunteer time, and money to organizations and causes that uplift, empower and better the lives of those who have been ignored, misunderstood, and mistreated by society.
Shop and support small businesses owned by BIPOC, LGBTQIAP people, people with disabilities, people of all sizes, ages, ethnicities, gender identities and expressions when possible.
Actively learn about political candidates who are promoting social justice and equality in their policies from the local to the federal level. I will use my voting power to support the candidates who are working to better the lives of those who have been ignored, misunderstood, mistreated and othered by society.
Use my social media platforms to support, share and promote posts that encourage equality, diversity and inclusion. I will help share the voices of those less heard. I will follow and engage with accounts that are different from me to learn more about them. Less hate is shared when we understand more about those whom are different.
Make every effort to consider BIPOC + LGBTQIAP people, people with disabilities, people of all sizes, ages, ethnicities, gender identities and expressions for any open position(s), including internships, in my company. Hiring the best person for the job is the goal, but I will advertise the position in accessible places where diverse candidates are likely to apply for it.
Include on my website and social media platforms a diverse array of people, including all races, genders, ethnicities, sizes, abilities, sexualities and ages in my images. If I do not have such images, I will work thoughtfully and genuinely to get them via a styled shoot or by volunteering my services at an organization serving marginalized communities. When casting for my styled shoots, I will not tokenize (make a symbolic effort to be inclusive) my models. I will do it because it is important and meaningful, not a hip trend.
Grow and commit as an ally by attending webinars, workshops, talks and trainings on diversity and inclusion.